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Price list Call a Bike

Call a Bike is the bikesharing service from Deutsche Bahn that is as good to the environment as it is to your wallet. For frequent cyclists or occasional users - bikesharing with Call a Bike remains inexpensive!

Call a Bike has the following tariffs for you to choose from:

Prices when using other products

The Call a Bike app also gives you access to our other bikesharing systems: RegioRadStuttgart, StadtRAD Hamburg and StadtRAD Lüneburg. When you use one of these bikes, you pay the local rate without a basic fee (unless otherwise agreed). Please note that the time you take a break will be counted as part of your ride time. You will pay a maximum of the daily rate.

Unlock fee

In some tariffs, you pay a one-time unlock fee for each ride. You can pause as many times as you like, the fee is only charged once per ride. In your tariff details you can find out how much your unlock fee is.

Service fee

The Call a Bike network features virtual stations that make it easier for you to find a bicycle and for us to service our fleet. So when you finish your ride, please return the bike to one of these stations located in a public space. You don't have to do this if you take a break during your journey. The map in the Call a Bike app shows where stations, business areas (incl. flex zones where applicable) and no-parking zones are located. If you don't return bikes to a station, this means a lot of extra work for our team, so we charge a service fee based on the location of where you leave your bike.

Location & Fee

No fee

  • At a station

EUR 1 flex fee

  • Within flex zone, but not at a station

EUR 10 service fee

  • Outside the flex zone, but within the municipality

  • Obstructing a public space (our service team must move the bike)

  • In a no-parking zone

  • Berlin, Cologne, Munich (no flex zone): returning a bike outside a station

EUR 25 service fee

  • Outside the municipality

  • On ICE stations: Not return to station

  • In a location that is not barrier-free and publicly accessible (courtyard, staircase, basement, etc.)

EUR 50 service fee

  • Failure to lock the bike properly

  • Failure to return an electric cargo bike to its home station


  • Only return your bike where the LED on the bike lock is green. If the LED flashes orange, you are in an area where a service fee is due.

  • Bookings of paused bikes are automatically terminated after 24 hours. If the paused bike is not at a station, this will result in a service fee. To avoid this, end the pause before 24 hours have passed.

Payment failure

We charge a flat rate of EUR 5 if the payment process fails, i.e. if you have selected the SEPA direct debit process as a payment method in your account but a direct debit transaction cannot be completed as intended.

Last modified: December 13, 2023